Is it time for a change?

Is it? You must think I’m barking asking a question like that after 18 months of incredible changes for humanity. However, we all like stability, the known, the status quo, and to carry on living our ‘normal lives’. Have these months highlighted that you are not fulfilled with your life and that you are settling for?

If … If you could change anything in your life, what would it be? If…you had a magic wand in your hand right now…, what would you change for the better? What 1 thing would change everything else? How would it impact on the other aspects of your life? Notice what you are thinking, feeling and any internal resistance or excuses that are coming up as you read these questions? Notice how possible or impossible your dream change seems?

If you are seriously contemplating making a change…even if you are at the researching stage…make a list of the pros and cons. Your strengths. Your weaknesses - areas where you may need to upskill or seek help or advice. Also think about your ideal outcome of your life…and what aspects of your thoughts, beliefs and other inner work may hold you back from helping to shift to your new dream life? Some people find they are fine working in a career, working for a boss or selling for a company, but when they set up on their own, they are surprised to find they are not comfortable promoting their own business or skillset. They find ways that resonate with them to overcome this so they can move forward successfully.

If you are frustrated with life, and where you are now, and you want to be somewhere else - make a list of all the things you think you will need. Work on getting as much as possible ready as you can before making your shift and work within your time frames.

So, what do you do if you have already made the shift, found that you are stuck with a limiting belief system that’s holding you back from moving forward? Take action to shift it, change it - so you can move forward. That may be personal development, nlp, hypnosis, coaching, or seeking a professional’s help. Do something about it, rather than let your dream life languish in stasis.

Now is the time to up level and deliver your life purpose. Live Your Life. Fulfil Your Potential! Make a Difference.

~ I hope you have found this helpful. If you are wondering how I can help you - schedule a free chat to find out more …


Are you a ‘sensitive’ working in a challenging environment?


Travelling Timelines