Travelling Timelines
How can we travel our timelines?
We can travel our timelines when we access our subconscious. Two techniques I can use our regression hypnosis techniques and also can shamanically do this via shamanic journeying and drumming. Essentially regression hypnosis techniques and also the shamanic drumming facilitate our brainwaves to shift frequency allowing us to connect and access our subconscious.
So can we travel backward and forward in time?
Whilst connected with our subconscious we can direct it to take us to a time in our past that needs healing. Once here, just by making it conscious we can bring healing to that time, as well as bringing in other healing and energy techniques to create deep healing. We can also bring back the positive lessons or insights that we have experienced from that time.
The past has already happened so it is one timeline (if we are assuming we live in a linear timeline). The future is yet to be written. So travelling to the past is a fixed point in time. Travelling to the future - is yet to be written by the choices we make and act upon. So there can be several possible future timelines to explore. I also view these as a decision tree or a mind map of possible futures.. There may be an optimum path depending on your goal or decision. Parallel quantum regression techniques that I studied with Dr K E Wells, helps us visit decision points in our lives and track the potentials forward, or the technique can be used to explore our parallel quantum lives.
We are living in a multi-dimensional reality. Time is a linear concept, some say a 3rd dimensional concept. Some believe, know or sense, that Gaia is transitioning into a 5th dimensional frequency and that humanity is in the process of actualising 5th dimensional consciousness. 5th dimensional level is considered to be a multi-dimensional consciousness and isn’t linear so is beyond time. Therefore parallel quantum lives can all exist simultaneously. Although whilst we are incarnated on Gaia (planet Earth) in our physical bodies most humans are only are of linear time and the one life they are living and experiencing.