Are you a ‘sensitive’ working in a challenging environment?
Much has been written about sensitives, introverts and empaths working and living in harsh environments.
Sometimes you wonder why others seem to manage and other people’s words, moods, emotions or actions seem to be like water off a duck’s back. You will often hear… ‘you are so sensitive’, ‘toughen up, etc… if you are reading this - you will know what you have heard.
An unexpected interaction with an end user, customer, caller or even a colleague, friend can find you absorbing their emotional frustrations, feeling overwhelmed within your body, energy and chakra system. What do I mean?
Have you ever walked into a room, and it feels like there has just been an argument…are you subconsciously picking up on peoples body language or the energy in the room?' Do you ever find yourself saying ‘my spider senses are tingling’, or ‘something is not feeling right’, or ‘my gut feels something is wrong with this’?
Our body systems have a sophisticated inner guidance system that we have never been taught to listen to or maybe you have and it’s just the cacophony of daily life has drowned out. Or maybe you just feel the ‘angst and stress’ coming off a caller or a team member on ‘Teams’ and you can’t rationalize picking up these feelings whilst you are at a difference.
There are ways you can protect your energy field, as well as clear yourself. There are a few detailed in the video clip - click here to access the YouTube clip.
I know, if I haven’t prepared my energetic protections, I can sometimes pick up energies off people, during a session whether it’s face to face or remotely. I have developed my own ways to transmute and clear the energies, as well as protect myself and have done the same for other healers, coaches and therapists over the years. However, like layers of an onion, as the vibratory rate of Gaia up levels, our energy and sensitivity levels increase in frequency resonance with Gaia, and as such situations that may have not upset you before, can suddenly surprisingly affect you. We can view these new challenges allowing us to upshift and evolve our energy senses, clearing and healing abilities.
Also, as our sensitivities increase, we will find ourselves tuning into and sensing the collective consciousness field. What do I mean? Who remembers the day of a significant event in the world? Most people will remember where they were, who they were with, how they felt. They may even have felt that something wasn’t quite right before it happened, something seemed out of place, or they may have felt out of kilter. This can be a sign that you are tuning into the collective consciousness - which to non-sensitives is the collective unconsciousness.
When you are a sensitive, you may pick up energetic vibes from many places, even radio, tv, people and places.
As sensitives, we can work on perfecting our ability to sense what is ‘our stuff’ and sensing what is in the collective subconscious and unconsciousness as well as step up our methods of protecting our ever-increasing sensitivity. If you are unsure about how to do this, then you may wish to have an energy session so we can cleanse and rebalance your energy field and discuss appropriate ways you can cleanse & protect yourself going forward that resonate with you. In the video clip below you will find a few general suggestions, which you can tweak but if you need something more, then I’m here for you.
So, what do I mean by collective subconscious? I would define this by saying it’s what we sense is underlying in the collective. Because we are sensitives we are more in tune and can see layers and tune into them. So, something that is not sensed by the masses and is in the collective subconscious psyche is consciously felt and known by sensitives.
The collective unconsciousness I would define as that which sensitives sense, know, feel, or see is coming through the bio-energy fields (collective quantum fields) but has not yet arrived, not yet manifested in the sensitive soul’s awareness.
What do you sense, feel or know is coming in the next few months? Can you sense something is in the air?
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