Shamanic Healing

  • Shamanism

    Shamanism is humankind’s oldest spiritual practice throughout cultures and peoples on Earth, dating back many thousands of years. Without hierarchy nor dogma nor religious beliefs, this is about a personal interconnectedness with the universe.

    Shamans are known for being the wisdom keepers and healers within their community, passing the know-how down through the generations. They experience everything as living and being part of nature including trees, plants, animals, and mother earth. Working with know-how, skills and tools provided by shamanism, can facilitate healing for self, others, and community.

    Within our western modern day culture we live fast paced lives with all the modern stresses that go with it. Unease with the daily stresses and pressures if not dealt with can lead to distress and dis-ease, affecting people physically, mentally, emotionally and stifling their true self – ‘authentic self’.

    • Soul Loss & Soul Retrieval

    Shamans believe that unresolved issues create a disharmony and distress to the body which can lead to power loss or a soul loss, bringing about illness. Shamans, if asked, will ‘journey’ to bring a lost soul part back to help the individual.

    • So what can cause Soul Loss?

    Shamans believe ‘soul loss’ can be caused by a loss of someone, maybe a bereavement or relationship break-up or of a job or home. Or an issue or experience which may have left you feeling that you have never been the same since…? Or you may still be stuck there experiencing flashbacks of a situation. There may have been body shock as well as soul loss, where the body thought, it was going to die. A body ‘re-patterning’ journey can help heal this.

  • Shamanic Healing

    Shamanic Healing. Prior to booking a session we will have talked about your reasons for wanting a session. I prepare with a shamanic short journey prior to your session. During the first part we talk about your issue and what you wish to focus on during this session, which may be a form of healing or soul retrieval. Then I will usually journey for you whilst you relax. After the journey is complete I will recount the journey . Then we discuss the journey and discuss how you can integrate the session into your daily life in a practical way, and nurture yourself after the session.

    The shamanic journey facilitates the connection to shamanic realms to seek new perspectives, insight and wisdoms to move from dis-ease to wholeness. As well as gaining self-awareness for aspects of your life it can facilitate empowerment, personal and spiritual development.

    Clients may find a single shamanic healing session is just what they need. Whilst other clients working on a specific issue may benefit from a series of 3-6 sessions during which you may wish to learn how to shamanically journey for yourself and to develop or deepen your spiritual practice if you wish.

    If you are interested in a session, please book a ‘Potentials Session’ where we can talk about your reasons for wanting a session, the process, and I can answer any questions. If appropriate, and you wish to book a session, then I can send you the booking link

    Sessions are 90 minutes, however it is wise to allow a 2 hour space.

    90 minute session

  • 'Soul Loss' - Possible Indicators

    There are many indicators but here are a few:

    • Sense of being incomplete

    • Numbness, going through the motions

    • Grief, Lack of joy

    • Hopelessness/apathy

    • Disconnected

    • Life a dream

    • Anxiety

    • Missing memories

    • Phobias, Fears

    • Procrastination

    • Lack of focus

    • Lacking in self belief, or confidence

    • “Never been the same since…”

    • Repeating unhealthy patterns

    • An inability to move on after an event or issue, despite trying to

    • Rage, anger that won’t go

    • Feeling soul retrieval may help

    • Soul loss can lead to the body experiencing power loss, feeling energetically weaker, and less able to protect itself.

  • Session Prep

    Room Prep:

    Check you are in a place where you can relax, be comfortable and undisturbed by family or pets etc.

    You may choose to sit, semi-recline or lie down during the journey section. I will drum when I journey for you, you may choose to listen to my drumming and stay on the zoom call, or choose to reconnect to the zoom session after the allotted journey time.

    You may wish to have a glass of water, a warm blanket, and tissues nearby. You may even choose to make notes and reflect on your session after so pen and paper might be handy.

    Tech Prep:

    Ensure your device with a webcam eg pc, laptop or smartphone or tablet is working. Check your audio is working - either a headset/earphones with an inbuilt microphone or an external microphone.

    Check you have the latest version of Zoom on your device.

    Check you have a stable internet connection. If using wifi, check you are close to the wifi source so you receive a quality signal. Ideally don’t have lots of cloud based apps and browser pages open in the background on your device will save bandwidth and be less distracting during your session.

    Check your battery charge, and that your device won’t over heat if your room is extremely hot.

  • "I've had sessions, and as an energy worker I really found this to be useful. It was fantastic, very powerful."

    BC, Lancashire

  • "I just wish to say a massive thank you for all your help this year - it’s been so enlightening & looking forward to next year."

    FH, Yorkshire

  • “I am constantly amazed by your work. It's not just effective but freakily effective. You bring an extraordinary intuition to all your healing work. And you do so with a quiet humility & integrity that I just love.”

    EM, Yorkshire

  • "I get a lot more than a session, I come away being empowered with more wisdom and peace, joy and knowing which helps me enormously. If this resonates with you give it a try and you will open up new pathways on your journey."

    JL, Gtr. Manchester