Can we really manifest our future life?

Choices and decisions have been made and lived in the past. The past is done. It has made you, who you are today, the sum of all your choices.

We only live in the now, the now moment.

How do you want to be? What do you want to achieve in your future? How do you want your future to look?

We still have future potentials, future choices and decisions to make. Our future is fluid until we make decisions and take actions and our future starts to coalesce into the now moment.

Within in future life progression you can visit your potential time lines. See what needs healing in the past so you can move forward. Or heal issues or make decision now so you can move forward on your desired route. Knowing what you are working towards building, your choices, decisions, and actions and focus can help you manifest your future.


Do we exist between our lifetimes?


Parallel Quantum Lives